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Monday, June 1, 2009

Summer Begins

Well, it seems that everyone is blogging these days. Usually I am way to busy to even think about it, but I guess the summer is a good chance to give it a try.

School officially let out for us on Friday. I have to work a couple of extra days anyway, but ended up subbing for summer school this week for a teacher that had to be out to have surgery. It was actually a nice day. I left work at 1:30 and still got paid...and I got a lot accomplished. So, I will be working all week this week. I am also going to a conference for two days next week. So, maybe after the next few weeks, I will actually have some time off. I am planning a fun trip to New Orleans with my best pals in a few weeks, so that will be the summer vacation kick off. Until then, I suppose I will be working around the house and be at Todd's beck and call, lol. He loves it when I am off in the summer.

I am trying to cook more and am looking around for some healthy recipes. I also started my diet kick off last Monday. I've lost 5 lbs. so far, so the plan is to lose as much as possible this summer. Todd bought a bike today, so we can go riding around the neighborhood together now. I got one about a month ago, but it has sat in the garage most of the time. Alot of our neighborhood is uphill (although it deceptively does not look so) and it is hard to get motivated to tackle a long ride alone. I told him that he could be my "bike trainer". I am trying to get in a bit better shape for our week long Florida trip in July. It is going to be a blast, so I am looking forward to that. I am also hoping to be able to see a bit more of my family this summer. We were so busy last summer trying to sell our house and moving, that I didn't get to see anyone unless they were helping us move. So, I feel free and ready to enjoy the nice summer days! I also can't wait for the first day that I get to sleep late. It's the little things in life that we appreciate, lol.